Join us on 4 November 2023 in Oldham, United Kingdom, as we celebrate to sustain our rich and colourful Esan heritage and culture – Esan Cultural Day. Please see your invitation for details.

We take much pride in family system, unity and beneficial co-existence. These same principles we intend to pass to our kids even though we live outside the shores of our motherland.

Our aim is to foster love, unity and sustain the Esan Cultural Heritage among us and support the less privilledged Esan people in Esan Land and carry out charity projects.

Esan Community of Manchester

The Esan Community of Manchester (ECM) is an association of a people of ESAN heritage who have come together to foster unity, peace and love among the ESAN people both in homeland and diaspora and are committed to engendering social harmony in our communities in the homeland and the UK through the championing of social causes that improve the quality of life, community engagement and social investments.

We aim to achieve our goals by organising socio-cultural events – symposia, lectures and seminars to educate, inform, entertain and encourage discipline and respect among the Esan youths to become law

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